Thursday, April 25, 2013

Knitter’s “College”


Okay, now really. Enough with the snow already! We just broke our old record for snowfall on a single date in April. Usually by now the tulips and daffodils are at least coming up, if not actually in bloom. Ha, ha. Joke’s on us.
Spring (ha!) is usually the time to start thinking about graduations, but here at MKGM we’re thinking of starting college. Knitting college, that is! We have taken on quite a few new members over the past year, and many of those new members are also brand new machine knitters. With resources limited or almost non-existent for learning how to use our machines and to actually knit something with them, it was suggested that perhaps a more experienced knitter could sit with some of the newbies at a knit-in and show them some things. Well, it was decided that perhaps we could go one better. Perhaps we could hold formal classes. A committee will be formed to come up with a plan for this nifty idea. It was suggested that a fee be charged (with the funds going to the guild) to those students interested in order to help cement their commitment to the class, otherwise it won’t be worthwhile teaching, or fair to the other students. Stay tuned for details as a committee is formed and comes up with a plan! Your author plans on attending any potential classes, as well, because everybody can always learn something new. Buttonholes, anyone?
This knitter had to miss the April meeting to attend her son’s final college jazz concert of the school year, and she wishes his band had set a different date. This sounds like it was the meeting to attend; if not for ideas, at least for the belly laughs! Remember my post talking about those slipper patterns Judy passed out? Well, this was the meeting in which they were supposed to be knit, and then shared.
As it was reported in the newsletter:
We had everything from Barbie doll sized slippers to ones that would fit Bigfoot. Some older patterns were so poorly written, that they were almost impossible to decipher. The newer knitters especially thought they learned a lot even if their slippers weren’t fantastic looking. All agreed that this format was a great idea and would work for lots of other items. Thanks, Judy!
There were also slippers with two heels in one slipper! That’s what can happen sometimes when you’re relaxed, enjoying short-rowing, and your mind wanders!
Don’t forget: Our next knit-in will be held Saturday, May 25th at the Crossings! Hope to see you there!

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