Friday, March 30, 2012

Second Annual Silent Auction

The Machine Knitting Guild of Minnesota held its second annual silent auction fund-raiser on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 in lieu of a standard meeting, after the great success of last year’s first ever auction raised $435 for the guild. For some members, it’s a great opportunity to de-stash, whether it be patterns, yarn or other fiber-related items, but for many others it’s an even greater chance to pick up a tool, gadget or some other needed item. As they say…well, sort of…one person’s de-stash is another one’s treasure!

Disclaimer: No knitters were harmed in the battle for highest bid.

The room set up with all the goodies laid out on tables.

Lots of yarn cones to choose from.

A knit-radar/leader, more yarn cones, some machine punch cards, plus a doll just waiting for a cute knit outfit! Carol S. won the doll, and we can’t wait to see how she outfits her!

More yarn cones, a pillow form, gorgeous basket, a nifty book of patterns, and a little tool tote.
(Your author lost out on the pretty royal blue cones Crying face).

There were a couple of yarn ball-winders, some fun sparkly holiday yarn, and even more yarn! (There seemed to be a yarn theme this year).

Another knit-leader, some leather slipper bottoms, and some Easter-themed kits.

Patterns galore! There were also a couple of really neat yarn bowls (for the hand-knitters in the guild), and what’s that? Why, it’s more yarn!
A craft bag, and you guessed it! Another cone of yarn.

Let the bidding wars begin!

Who outbid me?

Heading off to gather up the booty!

Finally, the part we’ve been waiting for: paying for our ill-gotten gains!

This year's auction raised $264, which isn't bad when you consider there wasn't a very large group that night. Start thinking about what you'd like to de-stash for next year's auction. We get new members all the time, and what you don't want or need, anymore, somebody else will.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Winter That Wasn't...WAS!

This winter has been almost non-existent. Temperatures in the 50s in both December and January, with virtually no snow to speak of. It certainly has been a welcome change over the winter we suffered through last year, and I feel we were owed a good one.

Ma Nature thought differently.

Tuesday's meeting had to be canceled because Ma Nature was...shall we say...moody? She had no idea what she wanted, she just knew she wanted something, so we got it all: rain, sleet, freezing rain, snow...

Well, with March coming in like a lion, that can only mean one thing, right? Let's hope it goes out like a lamb, so we can all meet up at our March meeting! Spring really is just around the corner. Hang in there!